VBA Coding Constructs

Here, you can access articulate and well-researched content on both the building blocks and advanced elements of VBA (Visual Basic for Applications) programming.

The Call Statement | VBA Jump Statements

Here, you’ll explore the Call statement which transfers control between procedures and DLLs. It is a VBA jump statement for non-sequential code execution.

The Exit Statement | VBA Jump Statements

Here, you’ll explore the Exit statement which instantly leaves a block. It is one of several VBA jump statements that enables non-sequential code execution.

Expression Statements: VBA’s Workhorse

Expression statements do the heavy lifting in VBA. That is because they are prevalent in typical VBA programs. This article introduces these workhorses.

Logical Operators in VBA

VBA logical operators – symbols that instruct the compiler to perform logical operations like conjunction and disjunction – are explored herein.

Comparison Operators in VBA

VBA comparison operators – symbols that instruct the compiler to perform relational, object equality, and string match operations- are explored herein.

Arithmetic Operators in VBA

VBA arithmetic operators – symbols that instruct the compiler to perform basic math (add, divide, powers, modulus, etc.) – are explored herein.

Concatenation Operators in VBA

VBA concatenation operators – symbols that instruct the compiler to join two String operands together – are explored herein.

Member Access Operators in VBA

VBA member access operators – symbols that ease the referencing of class or object members (i.e., properties, methods, or events) – are explored herein.

Assignment Operator in VBA

The VBA assignment operator, a symbol that tells the compiler to store the value of the operand on its right in the operand on its left, is explored herein.

VBA Operators and Precedence

VBA operators – special tokens that instruct the compiler to perform operations on values or value-holding program identifiers – are introduced herein.

VBA Program Identifiers: Data Type, Scope, and Lifetime

VBA programs often feature named discrete entities called identifiers (e.g., variables). Here, we get familiar with these vital program elements, their attributes, and the rules for legally naming them in VBA.

Microsoft Excel and Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) Icons

Best Practices for Excel VBA Code

Access a broad collection of Excel VBA programming best practices and tips to boost your Excel VBA code’s quality.